C.S. Projects


Archive for December, 2019

Database Project Proposal

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December 3rd, 2019 Posted 2:34 pm

Project Details:

Project Name:

Employee Management System

Group Member:

  1. Kotrakona Harinatha Sreeya Reddy
  2. Brenda Spears
  3. Vicky Vanessa

Problem Statement:

The purpose of this database is to manage and see the details of employees in a company. This database will contain employee details such as department, which branch do they work in, etc. Hence this database will make it easier to keep track of employees and makes managing employees more efficient.

Target User:

  1. Employers

List of Relation:

Our ERD will look something like this:

Hello world!

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December 3rd, 2019 Posted 10:30 am

Welcome to Binusian blog.
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