MarkLogic – NoSQL
Group Members:
Kotrakona Harinatha Sreeya Reddy – 2201816165
Rachel Hera – 2201841671
Isabella Virgin – 2201808144
Mark Logic is a database designed for NoSQL speed and scale, without sacrificing the enterprise features required to run mission-critical, operational applications. It also has a search engine.
MarkLogic was first named Cerisent and was founded in 2001 by Christopher Lindblad who was the Chief Architect of the Ultraseek search engine at Infoseek, Paul Pedersen, a professor of computer science and Frank R. Caufield, Founder of Darwin Ventures
MarkLogic combines fuses database internals, a search engine, all with application services layered over the top. MarkLogic uses an “Ask Anything” Universal Index that indexes data as soon as it is loaded so you can immediately begin asking questions of your data. It is a Document Data Model. Furthermore, data is stored as compressed binary trees and is processed as XML using XQuery
Tags: Database System
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