Ethical Hacking — Week 3
Utilizing Search Engines
I learned about how to utilise search engines in today’s session.I used kali Linux tools to search in the internet to gather necessary information about the target.
The first tool I learned is theharvester.It collects information from Google, Bing, PGP and LinkedIn. The command is ./ -d target domain -l 100 -b google.
The next tool I learned is maltego.It is an open source intelligence and forensics application which shows how information is connected to each other. The main benefit of this is that relationships between various types of information can give a better picture on how they are interlinked and it helps in identifying unknown relationships.
I also learned about Google Hacking.Google hacking is the act of searching using to find anything that is left behind by sys-admin or web developer that is not meant for public.It can be used to find out sensitive information or web configuration or sensitive documents.
I also learned about enumeration tools such as Goohost, Gooscan and Metagoofil.
Tags: Ethical Hacking
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