C.S. Projects


Ethical Hacking — Week 6

Vulnerability Mapping

In today’s session I learned about types of vulnerabilities and the tools for vulnerability mapping .

The types of vulnerabilities are Design vulnerabilities, Implementation Vulnerabilities, Operational Vulnerabilities, Local Vulnerability and Remote Vulnerability.

In design vulnerability, the vulnerability is found in the software or protocol specifications. In implementation vulnerabilities, the vulnerability is found in the code.In operational vulnerability, the vulnerability is found due to improper configuration and deployment target in an environment. In local vulnerability, the attacker needs local access to trigger vulnerability in the target.In remote vulnerability, the attacker does not need local access to trigger and exploit the vulnerability in the target.

The tools that can be used for vulnerability mapping are OpenVAS, Nessus, W3af, Sqlmap, acunetix, Fortify and Metasploit


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