Network Forensics — Week 10
Week 10
This session we learned about event log correlation and analysis. There are a different types of logs in a computer, such as event logs and security logs.
In order to see the event logs in Windows 10, search for ‘Event Viewer’. There are also several types of logs, such as:
Recycle bin
IE browsing history
Shortcut files
There are also several analysis tools that can be used to analyse these logs:
Commercial tools :
Open source tools :
Graylog is able to analyse all the logs when all the companies servers are connected to it. If one system is attacked, then the attack can be investigated through the data of the attack. Graylog’s features provides the time and source of each log. Thus, it makes it easier to identify if someone is trying to brute force their way into the system.
Tags: Network Forensic
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