C.S. Projects


Ethical Hacking — Week 1

Course Introduction, Preparation

and Testing Procedures

In today’s session, I learned about definitions of terms used in ethical hacking as well as the laws of ethical hacking.

Ethical Hackers are employed by companies in order to perform penetration tests. Penetration tests are legal attempt to break into a company’s network in order to find their weakest link.

I also learned the difference between hackers, crackers and ethical hackers. Hackers access computer systems or network without proper authorisation. This is breaking the law. Crackers breaks into the system in order to steal or destroy data. Hackers and crackers are considered the same. Ethical hackers performs the same activities, however, they have the permission of the owner.

I also learned about the different penetration testing methodologies.One of them is White box model, which is where the tester is told everything about the network topology and technology and they are authorised to interview IT personnel and company employees. Another method is the Black box model, which is where the staff do not know about the test and the tester is not given the details about the network.Another method is the Gray box model which is a hybrid of the white and black box models.

I also learned about the common techniques of penetration testing which is Passive Research, Open Source Monitoring, Network mapping and OS fingerprinting, Spoofing, Network Sniffing, Trojan attacks, Brute force attack, Vulnerability scanning and Scenario analysis.


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